Dec 13, 2020

A Definitive Guide to Locating Family Members in Australia

There are several reasons we may have for wanting to locate family members in Australia. It may be the joyous occasion of a twenty-first, or a golden anniversary. But it could a sombre moment to say farewell to a beloved family member. At other times we may wonder how a cousin or sibling turned out. However, finding missing family members follows the same general guidelines regardless of our relationship with them.

A Definitive Guide to Locating Family Members in Australia

There are several reasons we may have for wanting to locate family members in Australia. It may be the joyous occasion of a twenty-first, or a golden anniversary. But it could a somber moment to say farewell to a beloved family member. At other times we may wonder how a cousin or sibling turned out. However, finding missing family members follows the same general guidelines regardless of our relationship with them. The Steps to Follow when Locating Family Members in Australia


1. Speak to people they knew well first Each of us has a circle of friends we remain in contact with. Speak to the people you know were close the person you want to find. The chances are good they have not gone missing; you have simply lost contact with them.


2. Contact neighbours where they once lived Most of us leave a forwarding address when we move home, or leave town. That’s because we don’t want important mail to go missing, or to lose contact with a friend. Locating family members can be as simple as visiting their last known address.


3. Check out local phone directories There are look-up sites on the internet, where you can get a listing of all the phone numbers against the name of the family member you are trying to find. You may strike it lucky this way, although you may also waste time and money on phone calls.


4. Contact previous employers for advice This method can be a gold mine of information if your missing person is working age. When people change jobs they tell colleagues where they are going, in fact they positively boast about it. Fortunately there are other options if this is not successful.


5. Find family members on social media More people are working on the internet during the coronavirus crisis. They are part of a new breed of society where contacts are virtual, and friends meet on computer screens. Searching for names is a great way of locating family members.


Ask a Missing Family Member Expert for Advice Searching for a missing family member can be time consuming and costly. We may be doing this for the first time, and exploring technology we don’t fully understand. Missing Persons in Australia has a team of experts well-versed in these matters. Tapping into this resource is as simple as calling 1300 553 788 788 during business hours, and receiving a free half hour of advice. There’s no obligation to use Australia’s best resource for locating missing family members. But you could learn more by reaching out to them so why not try?

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